
We offer variety of health, relaxation and beauty options for you.
立即預約 / Reservation
▄ 預約專線:0975-355-986
▄ Line:@sdq9508f
▄ 高雄市左營區崇德路317號
▄ No 317 Chongderoad Zuoyingdistrict Kaohsiung city
— Maggie's waxing Spa 瑪淇專業除毛 ‧ 採預約制哦
80mins / $1800.
Body Sculpting (Cellulite/Skin Tightening)
80mins / $1800
We Help you Get rid of Unwanted Stubborn Fat/Cellulite & loose skin with our amazing Body Sculpting Services.
90mins $1800
專門理療師 LEO (男理療師)
Oriental Meridian Qi-Flow Therapy (90mins $1800)
The Oriental Meridian Therapy combines massage techniques targeting muscles, fascia, and meridians. With skilled and gentle hand techniques, the therapist applies appropriate pressure and rhythm to deeply knead, press, and manipulate muscle tissues while following specific meridian pathways with varying depths of massage. This effectively promotes blood circulation, relieves muscle tension and stress, and balances the body's meridian energy flow to achieve physical and mental health, harmony, and balance.
Specialized Therapist: Leo (Male Therapist)
60mins $1400/ 90mins $1800
Aromatherapy Relaxing Body Massage
Medium to strong massage applying aromatherapy, flower & crystal remedies and unique technique. Helps reduce stressful tensions and soothes tense muscles, leaves the entire body feeling totally relaxed.
30mins $700
去除身體老廢角質與加強全身體表循環,讓全身肌膚能更快吸收保養產品。除去臟污與晦暗,讓肌膚留下絲綢般的 滑嫩白淨,每月一次,讓全身肌膚永遠維持年輕水潤狀態。 維持年輕水潤狀態。
Nourishing Body Scrub 30mins / $700
Massaged with walnut granule scrub to stimulate oxygen flow and encourage cell renewal. Next, relax as milk and sweet almond oil are applied.
Deeply restoring the entire body, leaving your skin velvety smooth with an irresistible glow.
60mins $1400
由淺而深的超波律動,有效改善腸胃道功能,活化腹腔臟器,調節荷爾蒙,讓女性由內而外 散發亮麗風采。放鬆腹部肌肉及內部臟器、安撫神經、提振免疫,讓積壓已久的身心毒素、老舊廢物好好排出,還你一身舒暢輕盈。
Abdominal Treatment 60mins / $1400
This abdominal treatment increases blood flow within the abdominal to increase oxygen to the organs. Relaxes tension in the muscles surrounding the colon. Helps the function of the digestive system. Stimulates the gonad hormone secretion, provides soothing and comfort. In females it aligns the uterus and pelvic bone to their proper positions. Releases emotional tension.
60mins $1400
專屬於女性的呵護保健課程,藉由刺激胸腺、 胸部肌群及筋膜,淋巴疏通按摩,促進血液 循環,並促進胸腺與淋巴順暢、增強免疫力 具美麗、美型的課程。
Breast & Thymus Treatment 60mins / $1400
Breast massage is a useful tool for maintaining the health of your breasts.Breast massage is very important for women. Using varying amounts of mild to moderate
pressure in gentle lifting and compressive movements. Its primary purpose is to rid your body of the harmful toxins that interfere with your health; however, there are many cosmetic and therapeutic benefits to breast massage as well.
Foot & Legs Massage
80mins $1400
Foot & legs massage 80mins / $1400
This massage relaxes and loosens sore leg muscles. Improve blood circulation. Helps to relax the whole body. Help you to sleep better. Release the pain in your joint and legs.
60mins $1400.
常感覺頭昏昏沉沉的,身體疲倦困重,無法集中精神? 試試顱內耳燭放鬆療程! 耳燭所產生的微熱感覺,透過"煙囟效應"活絡顱內循環,減輕壓力,放鬆頭部、肩頸、胸口緊張僵硬,可通筋活絡並帶動頭面部循環、有效舒緩頸部疲勞、調節身體體質,令身心感到舒暢放鬆。
【推薦對象】 壓力大、睡眠品質不好、頭部不適,身體睏重、眼睛疲勞、肩頸緊繃、臉部循環不好、胸口煩躁、氣色不佳者。
Ear Candling 60mins / $1400
With beautiful head, shoulder, and facial massages, Relief all the stress. bring you Relaxation and so much more
- Relieves pressure from behind the eardrum
- Eases earache, headache, and sinus pressure, and can assist with allergy symptoms
- Helps with relaxation
- Acts as a catalyst to clear nerve endings and promote healing
生物能 電位平衡療程 80mins / $1800
Bioenergy and Electrical Balance Treatment 80mins / $1800
Utilizing electrical balance and negative ions to activate circulation, improve chronic inflammation, alleviate discomfort in the back
and shoulder-neck area, address joint pain, reduce fatigue, relieve stress, and purify the blood. Suitable for: Stiff and sore shoulders
and neck, long-term back pain.
生物能 背部電位平衡療程 30mins / $1200
BACK Bioenergy and Electrical Balance Treatment 30mins / $1200
Utilizing electrical balance and negative ions to activate circulation, improve chronic inflammation, alleviate discomfort in the back
and shoulder-neck area, address joint pain, reduce fatigue, relieve stress, and purify the blood. Suitable for: Stiff and sore shoulders
and neck, long-term back pain.
60mins $1200
改善: 背部痘痘、粗糙不平整 膚色黯沉、肌膚乾燥 痘疤色印、膚色不均
Back Acne Treatment 60mins/$1200
This clarifying back treatment is ideal for preparing for beach weather or weddings. Helpful for skin congestion or hormone fluctuations. Begins with a Mandelic Acid to take off dead skin. And stimulate new skin cell growth, followed by a supersonic and light treatment. Then the clarifying mask. Leaves your back renewed and refreshed.
60mins $1200
妳的另一張臉,也要好好照顧喔! 讓私密肌膚嫩白、緊緻、自在散發妳的女人味改善私密肌膚內崁毛問題,讓私密肌膚更白嫩緊緻改善私密處反覆感染問題改善色素沈澱及膚色不均問題改善私密肌膚痘痘及粉刺的困擾
Butt Acne Treatment 60mins / $1200
This clarifying butt treatment is ideal to prepare for beach weather. Helpful for skin congestion. Begins with a Mandelic Acid to take off dead skin. And stimulate new skin cell growth, followed by a supersonic and light treatment. Then the clarifying mask. Leaves your skin renewed and refreshed.